Thursday, 7 November 2019

Warhammer Week | Humble Store

Whats this!!! 80% off Warhammer on Humble Bundle until 14th November...

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

WIP Wednesday is here! Edd is back showing off some of his new Air Waaagggghh for Areonautica Imperialis, anyone would think the channels gone specialist games crazy with all these new posts but rest assured, it’s just Edd and Matt who have (so far at least) come down with Specialist Games Fever! Edd is painting up a Blood Axe Eavy Bommer as he prepares for the first Areonautica Imperialis campaign event at Warhammer World in February For those interested in the background behind these models: Edd’s idea for this scheme is a Blood Axe Ork Air Waaaaghh that has painted their planes in an Imperial style to help Infiltrate Imperial airspace and complete their raids! By the time the “Ummies” have figured out they are not one of them it’s too late!! We hope Edd will continue to show us more updates on this awesome new project in the near future! As always if you have a cool model to show please post it with the hashtag wipwednesdaywithgeeks #warhammer40k #wargamer #wargaming #warhammer40000 #warhammer40kpainting #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer40k #gamesworkshop40k #gamesworkshop #wipwednesdaywithgeeks #wipwednesday #orks #areonauticaimperialis #airwaaagh #gamesworkshoppainting #gamesworkshopspecialistgames #specialistgames #forgeworld #paintingforgeworld #paintingminis #paintingminiatures #miniaturepainter #eavybommer #campaignweekend

via Geeks Wargaming