Monday, 31 December 2018

Where ever you are the world... happy new year from all of us at Geeks Wargaming!!!

via Geeks Wargaming

Miniature Monday is here and Edd has been working on his Primaris Captain to take to the J’Migan Offensive Campaign Weekend at Warhammer World in January. As always if you have a cool model to show please post it with the hashtag miniaturemondayswithgeeks #miniaturemondayswithgeeks #miniaturemonday #paintingminis #miniaturepainting #campaignweekend #redscorpions #warhammer40k #wargamer #wargaming #warhammer40000 #warhammerworld #warhammer40kpainting #paintingminiatures #paintingwarhammer #paintingwarhammer40k #redscorpion #spacemarine #primaris #primarismarines #primarisspacemarines #badabwar #gamesworkshop40k #gamesworkshop #forgeworld #tenebris #tenebriscampaign #jmiganoffensive