Monday, 29 October 2018

UKBBL S33 Game 1 vs Dark Elves

Check out our latest video - online now!

Rogue Trader Janus Draik from Warhammer Quest Black Stone Fortress! Coming soon! #warhammer40k #warhammer40000 #gamesworkshop #gamesworkshop40k #warhammerquest #wargaming #wargamer

via Geeks Wargaming

Warhammer Community have shown the cover for The Armies of the Hobbit book for the Middle-earth SBG, I’m sure Edd will be incredibly excited to get his hands on this book in the coming weeks! #thehobbitsbg #middleearthsbg #gamesworkshop #lotrsbg #wargamer #wargaming

via Geeks Wargaming

Miniature Monday is upon us once again and today Edd is here showing off his Sauron the Necromancer he painted up a while back now but it’s such a cool model we thought it worthy to share on this Miniature Monday! Edd is still working on his Far Harad Army for the Desolation of Stockport in April and also his Iron Hills for the Throne of Skulls in December As always if you have a cool model to show please post it with the hashtag miniaturemondayswithgeeks #gamesworkshop #miniaturemondayswithgeeks #miniaturemonday #lotrsbg #gamesworkshop #gamesworkshoplotr #wargaming #wargamer #paintingminiatures #paintinglotr #desolationofstockport2019 #hobbit #hobbitsbg #nazgul #nazgulofdolguldur #lotr #lordoftherings #wargamer #thehobbitunexpectedjourney #sauronthenecromancer

via Geeks Wargaming